Empathy vs Codependency

In lifestyle financial planning, striking the right balance between empathy and codependency is essential to building healthy relationships while maintaining personal well-being. A recent tweet by Dr Nicole LePera (@Theholisticpsyc) highlighted the differences between empathy and codependency. Empathy means understanding a person’s feelings and being able to put ourselves in their shoes. In the context...

Common financial planning mistakes

Financial planning can be a daunting task, and it’s common for people to make mistakes as they navigate the complex world of personal finance. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some common financial planning mistakes that many individuals make, as identified by FinTwit contributor Jason Friedman. By learning about these pitfalls and how to avoid...

A miss is as good as a mile

Our mindset is crucial to our financial success. Dealing with our money can quickly become an obsessive task; either focusing solely on the amount we’re lacking or missing, or becoming obsessed with saving and storing up, we can sometimes do more harm than good. This is why mindset plays a significant role in how we...

Retelling your money story

We all know that money plays a key role in our lives, but have you ever considered the money story you’ve inherited from your family? Our money story is a series of beliefs based on how money is spoken about, or not spoken about, within our homes. Just like our hair and eye colour, we...

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