Watch out for online scams

The internet is rife with scam artists and most people are aware of this, but that just drives the fraudsters to get more creative with their deceptions. FNB recently issued a warning to clients about an email-based scam doing the rounds that tricks people into giving up their banking information. And they’re not the only...

Will you be misunderstood?

Wills need to be worded very carefully to avoid confusion and misunderstanding during an already emotionally difficult time (and especially so when leaving property behind). Intentions can be easily misconstrued when layman rhetoric is interpreted in a legal manner. Even fairly straightforward sounding clauses can be interpreted differently. When it comes to property, you can...

Save or Service Debt?

Saving is important, but if you have a credit card debt or an overdraft to pay off does it still make sense to save? It is always a good idea to be saving IF you are in a position to put some money away. Due to the accessibility and convenience, credit card and overdraft facilities,...

Soup’s Up!

Winter is the perfect time for soups, they are jam-packed with vitamins to help you fight against the flu, the ingredients are basic, it’s affordable (you can use cheaper cuts of meat – for example), you can keep it for ages if frozen and… it’s warm! Warm, hearty foods on a cold day both comfort...

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