The Solomon Paradox

Imagine possessing wisdom so profound that it becomes legendary, guiding nations and solving the most intricate disputes, yet finding oneself ensnared in personal quandaries with no clear path forward. This is the story of Biblical King Solomon, a figure whose life embodied what we know today as the Solomon Paradox—the intriguing disparity between offering wisdom...

Two lessons for investors

In the journey of personal finance, where the currents of market trends and economic forecasts constantly shift beneath our feet, two principles stand as beacons to guide us through. These aren’t just strategies but rather philosophies that are time-tested and time-honoured. Principle #1: Steering Beyond Economic Forecasts Trying to forecast what’s going to happen in...

Safeguarding your family wealth with a trust

In the intricate realm of financial planning, trusts emerge as a beacon of strategic estate management, offering a tailored approach to safeguarding family wealth and assets. Far from being a mere financial instrument, trusts embody the art of foreseeing and shaping one’s financial legacy, transcending mere wealth accumulation to ensure the preservation and seamless transfer...

Balancing our need for control

At the heart of financial planning lies a universal truth: we plan to gain control over the unforeseen and to navigate life’s uncertainties with confidence. As Lyall Watson, the renowned biologist and writer, insightfully observed, “We survive by controlling our environment. And control is made possible by information.” This principle, deeply rooted in our survival...

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